
About Us

FutureLaw – We love the legal industry. So far, legal businesses have only started to benefit from the global technology and innovation boost.

This needs to change.

Therefore, we have set up this independent platform, FutureLaw, to enhance, develop and foster technologies and innovation to move the legal industry forward.

FutureLaw sets out cooperates with multi-discipline partners.

FutureLaw is an incubator specialised on disruptive companies promoting innovation in the legal and professional services industries. Through events we connecting players in the legal field and exciting partners from all other industries.

Our aim is to find new ways to offer excellent quality to legal clients in a 21st century style.

FutureLaw Events

FutureLaw Veranstaltungsreihe – Invitation only:

Welche Veränderungen und Innovationen kommen auf die Rechtsberatungsbranche zu?

Was bringt die Digitalisierung der Rechtsberatungsbranche? Ja, es gibt den WebERV und Online Banking, Juristische Datenbanken und online Recherche Tools- aber war es das schon mit der Digitalisierung?

Was bringt die Zukunft dem Rechtsberatungsmarkt? Virtuelle Rechtsabteilung? Papierlose Anwaltskanzleien? Schreckensgespinnst oder schöne neue Welt, in der der Anwalt nur noch Qualitätsaufgaben hat und keine Routinetätigkeit mehr? Was wird outgesourced? Wer wird welche Arbeit machen? Was für Arbeiten machen die Associates?

Wir greifen diese Trends und Zukunftsthemen für die Rechtsbranche auf, die in manch anderen Branchen vielleicht auch schon angekommen sind. Wir stellen diese Trends in einem exklusiven Rahmen vor, zur Diskussion bis zum konkreten Umsetzungsplan – was passt zu Ihnen?

Hier kommen Sie ab Herbst zu unseren Veranstaltungen

Our FutureLaw Partners

We are not alone in taking up the innovation challenge with a focus on the legal and professional service industry.

We are proud to partner with key players in the market who will be presented in autumn 2016.

Watch out!

You want to know more – just send us an email.

Join Us!

The innovation is out there – are you a legal technology start-up, a business, an investor or a professional in the legal industry with disruptive ideas and products?

Then we love to hear from you!

FutureLaw is looking for

– Legal Technology Start-Ups
– Legal Technology Companies who want to grow?
– Business Angels with a passion for legal and professional services
– Investors who are looking for a investor-partner or are looking for potential investments
– Partners who are interested in strategic partnerships around legal and professional service innovation

FutureLaw is looking to develop and deploy a better way to practice law around the world through new technologies, approaches, services and products. With the aim to provide constantely high quality to legal clients.

We love to hear from you!